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Required Uniform Statement
Uniform & Dress Code Policy
For detailed information please refer to the students handbook found online Elementary School, Middle School and High School
General information for all age category
Uniform Purpose Statement
AUS students wear a school uniform to be in line with AUS’s Core Values of respect, responsibility and excellence. As a school located in Kuwait, the AUS uniform is designed to respect our host country’s culture. Like similar private, college-preparatory schools in the United States, the school uniform reflects our high expectations for student excellence. The uniform promotes respect and responsibility for self and the school community.
Student appearance in the AUS uniform will be neat, clean and respectful. Students must be in uniform during the school day. At the start of the school year, returning students are to be in uniform beginning with the first day of school. New students will be granted a one week grace period at the start of the school year. This allows new students ample time to purchase and launder the uniform before wearing it to school. Hair must be neat and clean. No hairstyles or haircuts which cause a school disruption will be allowed. The school administration reserves the right to determine if the style or cut is appropriate.
Below are general requirements regarding the wearing the school uniform:
Skirts touch the knee when standing.
Shorts touch the knee.
All bottoms are worn at the waist with no undergarments showing.
Shirts are buttoned all the way up. Students may opt to leave the top two buttons unbuttoned.
Shirts may be worn tucked in or untucked.
A solid white undershirt may be worn, so long as it does not show on the arms or at the bottom of the uniform shirt.
A collared uniform shirt must always be worn under sweaters and fleece garments.
Coats, Sweaters and Hoodies:
Students wear only the authorized fleece and sweater options made available through the school’s boutique or AUS Athletic team sweatshirts
All other over garments are not acceptable.
Students wear shoes that fully support, protect and enclose the foot. This allows students to be active, safe and comfortable throughout the school day.
Acceptable shoes: Athletic shoes, traditional black or brown school shoes that enclose the foot, sturdy sandal that is secured to the foot with a back strap.
Unacceptable shoes: flip flops, swim shoes, shoes with wheels, high heels, spiked shoes and Crocs.
Hats/ Hijabs
Hats are recommended to be worn outdoors for sun protection.
Hats may not be worn in the school building.
Female students may wear Hijabs that are solid colored black, white, burgundy, grey, or navy.
Physical Education Uniform
Wearing a P.E. Uniform is mandatory, and students not in uniform will receive an infraction. In the Middle School PE uniform is not allowed in the regular classrooms, during lunch, or in the morning before class except for when the student has P.E. during the first block of the day. It is the responsibility of the student to take his/her uniform home at least once a week to be laundered. MS students may be required to take showers and must change back into their school clothes at the end of P.E. class.
Swimming Attire
The swimming uniform consists of a one piece suit for girls (with the option of shorts) and swim shorts for boys.
Bathing caps and goggles are mandatory for all students.
Special Class Requirements
Some classes will require students to wear special clothing for a variety of reasons. An art class will require students to wear aprons or smocks at times to keep their uniform clean. The drama class may at times require students to wear costumes depending upon the class activities. Whatever the case may be, students will receive specific instructions from their teachers about such requirements. Special dress requirements will always be in line with the AUS uniform purpose statement.
Field Trip Uniform
On most occasions, unless otherwise communicated by the teacher, students wear formal uniform attire.
Non-Uniform and Dress Down Days
Occasionally there may be non-uniform and dress down days where students do not have to wear the uniform to school. On such days the AUS dress code must be followed. As a general guideline, the non-uniform garments must cover the same areas covered by the school uniform.
On costume days, students are not allowed to use any accessories depicting weapons including but not limited to toy guns, knives, swords, etc. Students should plan ahead and check with an administrator to be sure they don’t make questionable clothing choices.
Those who are not properly dressed or groomed will be asked to change clothes. Parents will be notified of dress code violations. A violation may result in disciplinary measures.